Adolescence is a confusing time for most people. Teenagers have to deal with their raging hormones, new feelings, and all the stressors of school life. However, if your teenage child seems to be struggling more than usual, there may be an underlying problem. Anxiety disorders often manifest in the teen years. Without proper treatment, an anxiety disorder can become severe and threaten your child's well-being.

Pay attention to your child's emotional state. If your teenager is exhibiting signs of extreme anxiety, you'll need to get them the help they need. An intensive outpatient treatment center is the best choice for teens and young adults with serious anxiety. Here are three ways this type of treatment center can help your teen:

1. Prescribe your child effective medication.

Because everyone sometimes experiences anxiety, some people mistakenly believe anxiety disorders are not medical conditions. However, severe anxiety is frequently caused by a chemical imbalance. Therapy is necessary for anxiety treatment, but counseling alone may not be enough. At an outpatient treatment center, your child will have access to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist will evaluate your child's mental health and prescribe appropriate psychiatric medications to help them. Your child will likely be prescribed a combination of benzodiazepines and SSRIs for short- and long-term relief.

2. Allow your child to attend school uninterrupted.

Kids are happiest when they have consistent routines, and this holds true for teenagers as well. Inpatient treatment should be considered a last resort because of its disruptive nature. The right outpatient treatment will give your child the intensive mental healthcare they need without completely disrupting their life. Your child will be able to continue attending their current school. They can keep up with their classwork and continue seeing their friends, attending outpatient treatment sessions once their school day is over.

3. Give your child an appropriate outlet for their feelings.

Teenagers with severe anxiety may experience intrusive thoughts. Severe anxiety often exacerbates the mood swings common to teenagers. Many teens don't feel comfortable discussing their feelings and mental health challenges with their parents, and teenage peers aren't equipped to have those conversations. In an intensive outpatient treatment clinic, your child will get to speak with qualified psychologists.

Many adolescents find the opportunity to speak about their struggles very freeing. Counseling is an important part of your teen's anxiety management regimen. Intensive outpatient treatment means your child will likely meet with their counselor several times per week, if not daily.
